Fresh Dill
Anethum graveolens
Fresh green dill fronds



Serving Size Consideration: 2-3 tablespoons, fresh chopped

Safe Serving Size: Up to 1/2 cup, fresh chopped

Active Compounds: Essential oils including carvone and limonene, which contribute to its characteristic flavor and potential digestive benefits

Fermentation Level:
Very Low

Digestive Impact

Why it's problematic: Rarely problematic

Specific symptoms: Generally well-tolerated with minimal digestive impact

Typical reaction time frame: Immediate to 2 hours if sensitivity exists

Individual variation: Very low variation in tolerance between individuals

Safe Alternatives

Substitution ratio: 1:1 substitution for most recipes

Processing Effects

Drying concentrates flavor but maintains low FODMAP status

Freezing preserves FODMAP content at fresh levels

Stacking Considerations

Avoid combining with:

  • garlic
  • onion
  • leeks

Safe complementary foods: Can be safely combined with most low FODMAP foods including cucumber, salmon, potatoes

Reintroduction Guidelines
  1. Start with small amounts (1 teaspoon) in cooking
  2. Increase to normal culinary amounts if well tolerated

Signs of success: No digestive symptoms when consuming normal culinary amounts

Hidden Sources

Common products containing garlic:

  • pickles
  • ranch dressing
  • seafood seasonings
  • herb blends

Alternative names: dill weed, baby dill, fernleaf dill

Individual Variables

Factors affecting tolerance:

  • Overall digestive sensitivity
  • Quantity used
  • Combination with other foods

Tip: Start with small amounts if you're new to FODMAP diet, though reactions are rare